Sunday 4 September 2011


Well......this blog is just going to be me posting random pictures that I draw basically.

I've always liked to draw, but for various reason's I never seem to be able to finish drawings that I start off properly. I used to draw a lot but went through a period of barely getting past the scribble stage for several years. I'd like to start taking it a little more seriously though, because I always have idea's in my head of things that I 'd like to draw but never seem to be able to hold it there long enough to put it on paper......

It's taken a while to get used to drawing again, and it takes me a while to get things look somewhat right (like arms, eyes etc) but I'm getting there......I also suck at shading, so I hope to improve on that as I do more drawings.....I also take really long to draw, mainly because I lose concentration easily and can't project what I want and how I want it on the page, so I usually leave the picture for a while and see if I can remember what I wanted, or think of something fresh later on, and draw it bit by bit.

It might be a time eating method, but it's better than just abandoning half done pictures like I've done in the past. I'm a big fan of manga/anime so I'll be drawing mostly in that style, but it would be a more 'realistic' looking style rather than the deformed proportions that are common in this genre. I'd like to draw my own comic/manga someday, as I often fantasise and imagine worlds and stories but I'll definitely need to get better and faster at drawing before I do that. At the moment I just make too much of a mess. 


  1. Hello Godzilla Radio!
    I just discovered the other side of your main blog and it's also interesting to see your improvement about drawings.
    By the way about drawing techniques from manga, do you prefer the drawing style more from 1980's or more 2000's?
    Currently after not reading manga for a moment, I decided to read Samurai Champloo (at first I wanted to read Vagabond but there are more 300 chapters! lol) and it makes me want to draw again but you know, lazyness... haha

  2. Oh hey! Thanks for checking out my lesser known blog lol

    Hmm I prefer more recent styles but am starting to appreciate older styles too now after reading more of them. What about you?

    Oh? I didn't know that there was a Samurai Champloo manga :o And yes I also want to read Vagabond but am waiting for the series to finish before I start. Well actually I have started but stopped after a few volumes because I don't like having to wait a long time for the rest of the story.

    And yes I agree! Reading makes me want to draw too.......but laziness is a horrible thing that I have trouble overcoming....

  3. Yes, you can read it here :)

    I agree, I also don't like waiting too much. I like to read the whole manga to have a better view of the story.

    At first, I would say the more recent styles but I noticed a lot of manga for the young audience tend to have a similar drawing style, maybe standardization to sell more while appealing to young audience with a generic style (like shojo).
    Though there are still a lot of artists who can prove us the contrary (like Inoue Takehiko).
    There were also some standardization for older drawing styles (like shojo, again lol) but a lot of charm at the same time.
    Sometimes some older drawing styles gives me the feeling it was probably less "clean" than the more recent styles but more complicated somehow (for Sailor Moon manga, Takeuchi Naoko's style still amazes me for example).

    Not long ago (well 4 years ago) I discovered Yusuke Murata's drawing style. At first I was like "what is that?" lol
    I was thinking his drawing style for the first pages of Eyeshield 21 was a bit weak (and maybe sloppy?) but after reading the last chapters of Eyeshield 21 (and especially his manga Donten Prism Solar Car), I realized he improved so well and so fast.
    Somehow his improvement reminds me Inoue Takehiko who at first was just ok but with the time became amazing.

    Seeing improvement even from professional mangaka gives me hope lol

    Maybe we should do a contest to know who is the most lazy haha (but suddenly I feel so lazy lol)

  4. Ahh yeah I agree with you. A lot of manga look as though they've been drawn by the same people as many don't have their own distinct style. I also think (like you) that older styles seem "less clean" but if you look closely its actually very nice.

    Ahhh yeah, I haven't read Eyeshield 21 yet but I agree that Murata is a great artist. I've seen lots of his drawings.

    Haha I'm not sure how we're going to compete our laziness. I might be too lazy to even do that!
