Thursday 20 October 2011


Well, tried drawing a girl again. It's okay I suppose. Had trouble drawing the sword nicely. I should have used a ruler but couldn't really be I like doing small little patterns and stuff and ended up doing some random things for decoration on her clothes but I think you might need to enlarge the picture to see it well. Well it's nothing that impressive so you don't need to but....yeah. I think I got the 'girl eyes' better than previous attempts here. (have to click on the picture)

Tuesday 18 October 2011


This is another one that I kind of just drew without thinking. I hadn't tried drawing an animal in a long time so felt new trying it, although it's not quite completely an animal. I tried making the lines thicker than usual and it kind of pops out of the page a little bit more. It's not as good as it could have been because the balance of line thickness's aren't very well done, but I'll experiment with that in future drawings. 

Sunday 16 October 2011


Here's another weird guy...Hmmm not sure what to say about this guy. Just drew whatever sprang to my mind at the moment. I kind of got lost over what to make him hold. It just ended up being a bag because I couldn't make an image in my mind of other things I though he could have been holding. Oh well....

Sunday 2 October 2011

Kujo Jotaro (Jojo's Bizarre Adventures)

This is my sketch of Kujo Jotaro from part three of the manga, Jojo's Bizarre Adventures. He didn't turn out as muscle y as he should be, and the body balance is a little strange, but I'm fairly happy considering how less time it took to draw compared to other drawings. That's probably because he's an already existing character with concrete features rather than something that I imagine, as Gohan from DBZ also didn't take too long for me to draw.....

I mainly used my memory, and these two pictures as reference.


Gohan is my favourite character from the DBZ series. More specifically the Super Sayan 2 Gohan from the Cell Games Arc. Although I like him overall too, he's the coolest for me during that period.

Wednesday 7 September 2011

Here's my most recent drawing. Some kind of Devil/demon character as you can see.


Well here's my second attempt at a female. I think it turned out a lot better than the other one. It didn't take as long either even though there's more detail so that's also good. Looks like I forgot to finish off her right foot Ah well....  Oh, and there's also meant to be a scar on her left thigh but I didn't draw it in hard enough and the scanner didn't pick it up by the looks of it.....gaaaaa I need to start taking more care of these things.

Tuesday 6 September 2011


I'm pretty proud of the face/head head of this guy. Actually it's probably the best so far....?Apart from around his stomach. Not sure how to do proper shading around there yet~~!!.

Monday 5 September 2011


I tried drawing a female as I just about never have properly tried to do so, or at least complete one. It turned out okay I think... That weird thing that kinda looks like a swords is well.....supposed to be a sword. It's got a weird handle type thing but you can't really see it. Oh well. Her arm pit is a little weird looking too. Oh, and don't mind the other weird little scribbles next to it....haha


Not sure what this guy is supposed to be. Just ended up being like this as I drew.....
It turned into some weirdo with skulls and some skull like thing on his head.

Sunday 4 September 2011


Here's another dude that I've drawn. He looks too plain....well I suppose that's because there's no shading or colour in him...I usually don't have a plan as such when I'm drawing, although I may have a general kind of idea and some smaller specific ones. That weird monsterish hand with the fire coming out was a later addition and as you can see I didn't spend much time on it....and his left foot is kind of smaller than his right.. I think I got his face/head fairly well done though?

CHARACTER 001: Kind of imaged myself when drawing....

Well this isn't the first drawing I've done since picking up pencils again, but I forgot to scan the ones before it.....and the scanner is at my parent's house. I don't think it's a particularly good scanner either....but nevertheless you can see that I'm not good at drawing clean lines, or doing much shading.......yet anyway....

Although it's a little bit embarrassing to say, I imaged myself when drawing this, well at least the face...
I always fantasise about being a character in stories like manga/anime etc and often make up scenario's in  my head. The pants kinda look too plain in my opinion and the flowing scarf bit doesn't look right but I think that's about as good as I can get at my current level. Which is very annoying.

I was reading Jojo's Bizzare Adventure at the time so I think I got influenced a bit by that too.


Well......this blog is just going to be me posting random pictures that I draw basically.

I've always liked to draw, but for various reason's I never seem to be able to finish drawings that I start off properly. I used to draw a lot but went through a period of barely getting past the scribble stage for several years. I'd like to start taking it a little more seriously though, because I always have idea's in my head of things that I 'd like to draw but never seem to be able to hold it there long enough to put it on paper......

It's taken a while to get used to drawing again, and it takes me a while to get things look somewhat right (like arms, eyes etc) but I'm getting there......I also suck at shading, so I hope to improve on that as I do more drawings.....I also take really long to draw, mainly because I lose concentration easily and can't project what I want and how I want it on the page, so I usually leave the picture for a while and see if I can remember what I wanted, or think of something fresh later on, and draw it bit by bit.

It might be a time eating method, but it's better than just abandoning half done pictures like I've done in the past. I'm a big fan of manga/anime so I'll be drawing mostly in that style, but it would be a more 'realistic' looking style rather than the deformed proportions that are common in this genre. I'd like to draw my own comic/manga someday, as I often fantasise and imagine worlds and stories but I'll definitely need to get better and faster at drawing before I do that. At the moment I just make too much of a mess.